Friday, November 26, 2010

Juguemos en Español (Let's Play in Spanish)

I brought my son to Juguemos en Español from the time he was 10 months old until he was 2 years old. All the songs are in Spanish, and the kids learn quite a lot of vocabulary. The kids play instruments, dance, and sing.

I have to say that after 2 years old, the class seemed to get too academic for my taste. They spent more time drilling vocabulary than singing or playing music.

We had Miss Ana for the Baby and Toddler classes, and she was great. The substitute teachers we had were not as good.

You can try a class for free before signing up.

There are classes in Mountain View, Campbell, and Santa Cruz.

(Disclaimer: I am not in any way associated with Juguemos en Español, and I haven't brought my son there for a little over a year.)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Con un bébé

Here are some phrases I am going to start using with my 6 month old baby.

These are to tell when I'm going to:
change her diaper: Te voy a cambiar el pañal
get her dressed: Te voy a vestir
give her a bath: Te voy a bañar
feed her milk (feed her a bottle; nurse her): Te voy a dar leche; Te voy a amamantar

Then when I'm finished, I'm going to say:
¡Ya terminamos!

Monday, November 15, 2010

En el baño

My 3 year old is pretty good about going to the bathroom now, but he still sometimes needs the tasks itemized. Here are some useful phrases when taking a child to use the bathroom.

¿Vamos al baño? (Shall we go potty?) or ¿Quieres ir al baño? (Do you need to go potty?)

Pull down your pants and underwear: Bájate los pantalones, Bájate los calzones
Flush the toilet: Jála
Wash your hands: Lávate las manos
Use soap: Usa el jabón
Rub your hands together: Frota las manos
Dry your hands: Sécate las manos

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Canciones Infantiles (Baby songs)

Here's a few videos of baby songs in Spanish. Please put in the comments if you know of any others.

La araña pequeñita (The Itsy Bitsy Spider)

La arana pequeñita
Subió, subió, subió.
Vino la lluvia
Y se la llevo.
Salio el sol
Y todo lo seco,
Y la arana pequeñita
Subió, subió, subió.

El Alfabeto (the ABC song)