Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Los Colores, Las Formas, y Los Números (Colors, Shapes, and Numbers)

I had both my kids in Susy Dorn's Let's Play in Spanish classes when they were younger.  I really enjoyed the classes and the music.  They have classes in Palo Alto, Campbell, and Santa Cruz.  If you don't want to sign up for a class, you can still buy her CDs or DVDs.  She has a short video ad hosted on YouTube.

I made visual aids to go along with a few of the songs.  This way you can point to each word as you sing it.

Los Colores
 (this is sort of to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")
Las Formas
 (this is to "Darling Clementine")
Los Números
 (this is sort of to the tune of "Frères Jacques")

!Feliz año nuevo! (Happy New Year!)

Okay, I'm a few days early.  But I'm really shocked that it's been almost a year since my last post.  Actually, it's not really that shocking.  I pretty much gave up on this blog, thinking that I was foolish to think I could learn to speak Spanish well enough to teach my children.  And really, who has the time to blog?  A few really great, inspiring people actually.  They don't know it yet, but I'm totally going to start nagging them to contribute posts to my blog.  Because they're really good at it, they speak Spanish, and I'm going to beg profusely.

So, please come back and visit.  I promise to work much harder to get contributors to share their knowledge and experience, to share my own attempts, successes, and failures, and to keep learning to speak Spanish.

!Nos vemos!  (See you later!)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Las frases para salir (Phrases for going out)

Here are some phrases for taking the kids out and warning them before it's time to go home.

In five minutes, we're going outside: En cinco minutos vamos a salir.
Do you want to walk or ride in the stroller?:  Quieres caminar o ir en la carriola?
Before we leave, go use the potty.: Antes de irnos, ve a hace pipi.
Stop (walking) at the corner.: Detente en la esquina.
Hold my hand while we cross the street: Toma mi mano al cruzar la calle.
In five minutes, we're going home: En cinco minutos nos vamos a la casa.

You have five more minutes to play: Te quedan cinco minutos para jugar.
Pack up your toys.: Guarda tus juguetes.
Let's go home!: Vamonos a la casa!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mi Cuarto (My Room)

Here's more vocabulary for things in a house.

La alfombra: rug
Las almohadas: pillows
El armario: closet
El cajón: drawer
La cama: bed
La cómoda: dresser
Las cortinas: curtains
El dibujo: picture
El espejo: mirror
Los juguetes: toys
La lámpara: lamp
Los libros: books
La manta: blanket
El móvil: mobile
La planta: plant
La puerta: door
El radio: radio
El reloj: clock
La ropa: clothes
La ventana: window

Monday, January 3, 2011

Progress so far: not much

I have to confess I've been feeling a bit discouraged about my progress in learning Spanish since I launched this blog.  I thought I could email a few friends once a week and have them quickly respond.  In real life, they're awfully busy, and I need to find other resources.  I've been getting so desperate and shameless, I'm starting to ask complete strangers in restaurants (granted, the woman I pestered last weekend started it first by noticing I was speaking Spanish to my daughter).

Here's what she taught me:
Se paciente: Be patient
Espera un poco: Wait a bit
¿Terminastes?: Are you done (eating)?